What is this all about?

The purpose of a family support newsletter is to share the successes of Special Olympics Ohio programs and fundraising along with opportunities for you to get involved and support the vision!

The Vision and Mission for Special Olympics Ohio is:

To provide year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympics-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in the sharing of gifts, skills and friendship with their FAMILIES, other Special Olympics athletes and the community.

We are putting this newsletter together on a quarterly basis and send out to Local Coordinators for distribution along with posting it on our website so that all have access. We as a Special Olympics Ohio staff hope this aids in general communication to our athlete’s biggest fans: their families and friends!!

Coming Soon

4th Quarter State-Level Events…Team Bowling Tournament (Oct. 21st-22nd) Holiday and Sawmill Lanes, Columbus. On Saturday, November 4th, we will have our first ever Flag Football tournament in Madison County at 9am at 510 Elm Street, London, OH 43130. The final event for 2017 is the State Swim Meet on December 9/10th at McCorkle Aquatics Center at OSU-Columbus Campus. Please come out and help FILL THE STANDS at one or all of these events!!!

Let’s Get Social

Special Olympics Ohio is on various social Media platforms and we want to make sure that you know all about them:

Tell Us Your Story!

Here’s a new way to share your stories with the Special Olympics Ohio community! With 26,000 athletes across Ohio and thousands of volunteers, SOOH has plenty of stories to tell – and we want to help you share them!

We understand the importance and power of a single story and we want to help you share how Special Olympics Ohio has impacted your life. So we are asking YOU—athletes, volunteers, coaches, fans, etc., to share your story with us for the chance to be featured on our website and social media! We will feature a new story regularly. If your story is not featured right away, don’t worry, we will keep it on hand for future use!

If you have a story to tell, share it with us by emailing it to kburdett@sooh.org. Be sure to send a couple of photos too! We look forward to reading your stories!

Parting Quote to Remember:

There are times when we become disheartened or discouraged and life may feel like an uphill climb. Those are the times to remember that a rewarding life is filled with challenge; the effort creates fires that temper us and strengthen our spirit. So do not feel pity for me. Give me a chance!