Prepare For The
Special Olympics Ohio Unified Champion Schools® aims to promote social inclusion through initiatives and strategies that affect systems-wide change in K-12 schools and on college and university campuses. With sports as the foundation, Unified Champion Schools offers programs and activities that equip young people with the tools and training to create inclusive experiences.
- UCS Events
- UCS Athletes & Partners
- UCS Coaches & Educators
- UCS Colleges & Universities
Inclusive experiences in sports, classrooms, and community are proven to improve attitudes and behaviors among all young people, both with and without ID.

Unified Champion Schools Are Built Upon Three Components That Integrate With And Support The School Community:
- Fully-inclusive sports, including skill-building, intramural play, and interscholastic competitions
- Clubs that build inclusive mindsets and develop social-emotional learning competencies
- Participation in competitions at local, regional, and state levels against other Unified school teams
- Experiences that give voice to students with disabilities as they develop leadership capacity
- Opportunities to partner athletes with disabilities with their peers to plan and lead school clubs,
sports, and activities - Network of peers across the state and country to develop skills for future success
- Activities that raise awareness about inclusion, diversity, and community
- Partnerships with local organizations to support the youth in becoming the future leaders of their
communities - Fund-raising opportunities that all school to grow their programs and support Special Olympics athletes

Training, Leading, And Playing Together Is A Quick Path To Friendship And Understanding.
UCS Events
Get Involved As An Athlete, Partner, Or Fan
Unified Champion Schools have events happening across the state—in schools, colleges, and universities—and we invite you to participate as an athlete, partner, or fan in the stands.
Click here to see our schedule of events.

UCS Athletes & Partners
#Playunified In A Unified Champion School
Get involved in the most inclusive sports movement around Special Olympics Unified Sports® brings together athletes with intellectual disabilities and athletes without intellectual disabilities to train and compete on the same team. Volunteers improve their physical fitness, sharpen their skills, and learn acceptance and inclusion while
participating in Unified Sports. A primary goal of Unified Sports is to equalize the ability level of Special Olympics athletes with their partners and to promote inclusion through team practice and competition.
All Unified Partners are required to complete a Class A volunteer form. Individuals over the age of 18 are required to provide their social security number as they are background checked to ensure the safety and well-being of Special Olympics athletes. Partners who are school-aged and students at a Unified Champion School can become part of their school’s Unified teams by speaking to their school’s teacher champion.
GenerationUnified resources and website
Unified Champion Schools – Student Guide
UCS Coaches & Educators
The Revolution Is Inclusion, Recruiting Leaders Now!
Becoming a Unified Champion School® means you are committed to:
- Fostering social inclusion as students and teammates with and without disabilities become friends and teammates.
- Creating a positive school climate that promotes respect, acceptance, and diversity, where students are valued for their unique talents and skills.
- Reducing bullying through empowerment, awareness, and engagement while also improving health and fitness, especially for students with disabilities facing higher risks.
Interested In Becoming A Leader In This Revolution?

UCS Colleges & Universities
Advance The Inclusion Revolution On Your Campus
Colleges and universities throughout the state are integral parts of the mission of Unified Champion Schools and
Special Olympics Ohio. Our collegiate athletes and partners participate as individuals and as parts of campus clubs
in numerous ways:
- Partners and coaches on local Special Olympics sports teams
- Campus-wide engagement, rallies, and causes that further the mission of inclusion in sports and all campus activities
- Days of service learning with our athletes and staff
- Intercollegiate competition against other Unified collegiate teams from across Ohio
- Mentors and friends for athletes with intellectual disabilities
- Fundraising to support campus and community growth of opportunities for athletes and Special Olympics programs
Interested in joining Ohio’s other Unified colleges and universities, and being on the forefront of the revolution of inclusion on your campus? Complete this form and our team will reach out to you with next steps.

- Developing character, life skills, and enhanced self-esteem as youth become core leaders in their school communities.
- Taking the educated risk to support the vision and insight of youth to create inclusive environments in their schools.
- Motivating young people to seek a world of unity, and then providing them with the skills and opportunities to create social change.
- Developing policies and supporting quality practices to encourage positive school climates with safe and nurturing learning environments for all students.
Additional Links
GenerationUnified resources and website
National Banner Recognition Standards
Unified Champion Schools – Overview
Unified Champion Schools – Research Review
Ohio UCS Facebook link
School Playbooks